NexGenT Welcomes Tobiah Walter, Instructor & Mentor

Tobiah is a versatile rockstar engineer who has worked in many different types of jobs in over 15 years as an IT professional. He absolute loves to instruct students as teaching is one of his great passions in life. Tobiah joined the United States Air Force in 2003 with no IT experience at all, but in less than a year was able learn the necessary skills to work in the Network Infrastructure Maintenance shop and get hands on experience working on the multimillion dollar network at Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington.

After less than 3 years there he knew he wanted to help others in the US Air Force to learn the necessary skills to be able to work on IT networks. This is where he fell in love with instructing. Over the next 4 years he instructed and trained thousands of Airmen how to be rockstar engineers! During that time, he was called upon to serve his country in Afghanistan and spent 6 months working on IT while in a war zone.

Next Tobiah was given a great opportunity to work as a Network Engineer for the National Reconnaissance Organization while still in the Air Force. This allowed him to utilize his IT skills as a network engineer to work on networks for Space Launch Communications. He became the Lead Engineer for his team of 5 and help to ensure that the launches went off without a hitch. This is where he would finish out his military career.

Upon leaving the military he was given a job as a Network Engineer in the AV Industry working for Harman International. This was a great opportunity to be on the bleeding edge of technology that was taking Audio and Video signals and turning them into IP packets and putting them on the network. While working for Harman he completed his Bachelor of Science in Business Studies in Computer Information Technology and his Master of Science in Information Technology. Tobiah is highly educated and he is truly motivated to share that knowledge with NexGenT students.

Please show Tobiah how excited you are he has joined the team with a warm welcome as you will be seeing him inside our communities, coaching calls, and delivering amazing content inside the NexGenT Learning Platform.

Welcome Tobiah – We are really excited to be working and collaborating with you!


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