Full Stack Network Engineer February 2020 Cohort Graduation

On the evening of September 3rd, we gathered for our virtual graduation ceremony to celebrate the recent success of our Full Stack Network Engineer 2-21-2020 cohort. This was truly an exciting moment for everyone as the cohort members completed the Full Stack Network Engineer (FSNE) program having put in their passion and hard work over 22 weeks to achieve success. The cohort began on February 21st 2020, and completed with 17 graduates this past July. 

Through the program students learned exactly what it takes to be an effective and successful Network Engineer in today’s workforce. Having most students starting out with no prior experience, their knowledge was built from ground zero where they learned the fundamentals of networking and progressed all the way to planning, designing and deploying their own multi-site, enterprise-grade networks by the end of the program. The students from this cohort are now in the job hunting phase, and two of the students have now landed a new IT job since graduating – one as a Support Engineer for Amwell, and another is now a Systems Consultant at OP Technology LLC.


What’s the program like?

The FSNE program prepares students for the real-world by rigorously vetting their skills and knowledge over 22 weeks and across multiple checkpoints and milestones which include multiple certifications. The first certification that students must achieve is the Full Stack Network Associate (FSNA) certification from NexGenT. To achieve this students must pass a written exam and also deploy a real network on their own which supports routing, switching, wireless networking, voice over IP, and network security. After achieving the FSNA, students then work on obtaining their Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification from Cisco Systems. The goal is for the students to knock out this certification by the 90-day mark before moving into the advanced training aspect of the program. Upon entering advanced training, students immediately begin learning project management skills and working to design and build their first project. Their first project is a very robust 3-site network deployment with a headquarters and two remote offices. Two more projects are then deployed where a Cisco ASA with remote access SSL VPN solution is deployed, followed by a Colo Data Center deployment for redundancy and additional network services.

networking project network engineer nexgent


After planning, designing, implementing, supporting, and finally closing all three of these projects, the student must pass their final skills qualification and troubleshooting check, in order to achieve their Full Stack Network Professional (FSNP) certification from NexGenT. Throughout the program students also receive career help and have many career-related milestones to accomplish relating to their career plan, resume, and personal branding. After completing all program milestones and capstone projects, the students then move to the job hunting phase where they focus strictly on landing their new job or promotion.

There are currently three other cohorts running who will soon be graduating and celebrating similar success, and our next FSNE cohort launches in October 2020. To learn more about getting on the path to become a network or systems engineer with robust training, project-based learning, career planning, and real-world skills certification with zero upfront costs, then click here.

FSNA FSNP Full stack engineer Cisco CCNA


Please congratulate our recent graduates!

Akmal Suareze, FSNA-0049

Alexis Brewster, FSNA-0051, FSNP-0020 

Cameron Akers, FSNA-0052

Chandler Wallingford, FSNA-0054, FSNP-0017

David Leitman, FSNA-0057, FSNP-0022, and Cisco Certified Network Associate

Edward Prince, FSNA-0059, FSNP-0027

Joshua Cooksey, FSNA-0062, FSNP-0023

Lola Bode-Omolulu, FSNA-0064, FSNP-0021

Paul Deppe, FSNA-0065, FSNP-0024

Rayvon Scott, FSNA-0066, FSNP-0018

Richard Martinez, FSNA-0067, FSNP-0015, and Cisco Certified Network Associate

Ryne Green, FSNA-0068, FSNP-0025

Terrence Eskridge, FSNA-0069, FSNP-0029

Timothy Ott, FSNA-0070, FSNP-0028

Tracy Thibault, FSNA-0031, FSNP-0026

Congratulations folks! You have all put in some serious effort and have accomplished a magnificent feat!

– The NexGenT Team


1 Comment

  1. Ken S.

    Congratulations to all the Full Stack Network Associates, Professionals, and Engineers!

    The first Class of 2020!


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